Friday, 7 March 2014

✈ Around the world in 6Months ✈ Nov2013

繼續6個月環遊世界 :)
2013年11月係第一次成個月都飛, 冇training!!!
去過嘅地方有...Nagoya, Amsterdam, New Delhi, Bangkok, Beijing, Cebu, Melbourne!!!
其實你問我, 喱份工係咪好好玩, 成日周圍去!! 都係嘅...但係for我自已, 又唔係!! 始終每次得嗰1, 2日, 其實係走馬看花!! 有d 人可以用盡嗰48小時不停sightsee, 但係我係一個"懶人"!!! 如果你地記得以前d 遊記, 我係好hea 嘅traveler!! 要時間慢慢睇慢慢行!! 況且, 當你做左10幾個鐘野, 係需要休息!!!! 我自認唔係18,22 =_= 我而家都會注重養生 lol 所以其實對我唻講, 我留喺酒店係多過出去!!!! 好似喱個月去嘅New Delhi咁, 我帶埋3大支蒸餾水去煲唻煮麵, 仲有勁多零食, 一步都冇踏出過我間房 haha
當然亦有例外!! 好似11月去Amsterdam嘅時候, 有classmate 又有班好啱玩嘅crew, 一齊去左Heinenkin Experience, 又去紅燈區又食飯, 好盡興!!! 第二日喺Ams, 我仲搭Thalys 落Belgium 揾English Mami 添 :)
The Netherlands - Amsterdam Canal
The Netherlands - Amsterdam - Heinenkin Experience

Belgium - Antwerp

India - New Delhi - Lock&Seal for 24hrs

India - New Delhi - Lock&Seal
Thailand - Bangkok - Paragon

Thailand - Bangkok - Mandarin Oriental Tearoom

Thailand - Bangkok - Urban Retreat Spa

Australia - Melbourne - UK home sick=Wagamama

Australia - Melbourne - Little Vietnam

China - Peking - East Hotel SUPER NICE :)

Monday, 3 March 2014

Oct & Nov 2013 ❤

做左嘢之後, 未出糧就敗左一大筆錢 T_T  就係可惡的Casio TR15 自拍神器!!!!
自從有左佢, 我嘅自戀程度係直線上升 hahahaha 咁用左好多錢買嘛, 用多d 冇咁肉赤!! 呵呵呵
兒時好友Bridal Shower :)

Another fine day Tea room



婆婆都唔放過 kekeke

Where is Stephanie???

已經有半年冇blog 過!!! 原來做野真係忙好多, 有時間都想見朋友出街喺屋企瞓教...不過過得好充實, 好鍾意有工作嘅生活!!! 不過enjoy還enjoy, 始終唔係一份做得耐嘅工, 我已經resign左! 我好慶幸有喱個機會識到一班新嘅朋友, 嗰7個禮拜training雖然唔容易但好開心! 除左一班同甘共苦嘅classmate, 我最開心係學左好多aviation 嘅嘢!!! 因為我好鍾意travel, 其實一直都好有興趣知道有關喱一行嘅daily operation...etcetc 所以今次絕對係一個好好嘅experience!!! :)
可以同大家share番喱6 個月我去過嘅地方!!!!
今次post 住 Oct2013 先 :) 除左相有嘅Tokyo, Sydney, Surabaya之外, 仲有Cebu, Saigon, Seoul!!! Enjoy!!!!!
Japan- Tokyo
Japan - Tokyo

Japan - Narita

Japan - Tokyo


Indonesia - Surabaya
Indonesia - Surabaya - Room Service

Australia - Sydney - Sunday Market

Australia - Sydney - Fish Market
Australia - Sydney

Australia - Sydney - Darling Harbour

Australia - Sydney


Sunday, 8 September 2013

♥ What i'm wearing ♥ 1-8SEPTEMBER2013

(打* item = 唔係今季/近期嘅)

(left) top:A&F*  bottom:HOLLISTER*
(middle) top:A&F*  bottom A&F* 
(right)  top:JACK WILLS*  bottom:ZARA*  shoes:STELLA MCCARTNEY*

(left) top:UNIQLO*  bottom:UNIQLO*  shoes:DIOR*
(middle) tank:TOPSHOP*  jacket:JUICY COUTURE*  shoes:UNIQLO*
(right) top:JACK WILLS*  bottom:JACK WILLS*  shoes:STELLA MCCARTNEY

(left) top:ZARA 
(right) top:TOPSHOP  bottom:ZARA  shoes:ROGER VIVIER  sunglasses:TIFFANY


Thursday, 5 September 2013

♥ What i'm wearing ♥ 26-31AUGUST2013

i'm pretty busy with work T_T but i promise i'll update more often!!! and as for the closing of yahoo blog, i'll keep u update on where i'll move and all the details!!! for those who have instagram, please follow me for now :) STEPHKYLAI


As you can see below, i'm wearing casual most of the days this week :)))) it's soooooo nice not to worry about doing my make up and hair!!!! hahaha but it'll only last for another week or so and i'll be back to the office attire with full makeup and hairup look!!!!

(打* item = 唔係今季/近期嘅)

(left) top:COS  bottom:CLUB MONACO*  shoes:STELLA MCCARTNEY*
(middle)  top:GAP  bottom:TOPSHOP* 
(right)  tank:GAP  shirt:ZARA*  bottom:UNIQLO

(left) top:ZARA*  shoes:RUSSELLS & BROMLEY*
(middle) top:ZARA 
(right) top:GAP