Monday, 3 March 2014

Where is Stephanie???

已經有半年冇blog 過!!! 原來做野真係忙好多, 有時間都想見朋友出街喺屋企瞓教...不過過得好充實, 好鍾意有工作嘅生活!!! 不過enjoy還enjoy, 始終唔係一份做得耐嘅工, 我已經resign左! 我好慶幸有喱個機會識到一班新嘅朋友, 嗰7個禮拜training雖然唔容易但好開心! 除左一班同甘共苦嘅classmate, 我最開心係學左好多aviation 嘅嘢!!! 因為我好鍾意travel, 其實一直都好有興趣知道有關喱一行嘅daily operation...etcetc 所以今次絕對係一個好好嘅experience!!! :)
可以同大家share番喱6 個月我去過嘅地方!!!!
今次post 住 Oct2013 先 :) 除左相有嘅Tokyo, Sydney, Surabaya之外, 仲有Cebu, Saigon, Seoul!!! Enjoy!!!!!
Japan- Tokyo
Japan - Tokyo

Japan - Narita

Japan - Tokyo


Indonesia - Surabaya
Indonesia - Surabaya - Room Service

Australia - Sydney - Sunday Market

Australia - Sydney - Fish Market
Australia - Sydney

Australia - Sydney - Darling Harbour

Australia - Sydney



  1. Replies
    1. it is indeed!!! but it's not really how i'd like to see the world, and the job nature itself doesn't really suit me. It's fun for a while but it's starting to get boring after a bit haha

  2. Replies
    1. thank you sweetie!!!! i'll try to blog about this half year experience a bit more!! quite interesting ;)

  3. 我估你這6個月一定有好多難忘經歷。其實我畢業時 (N年前) 都有個同學做了一年空姐,我見她又可以飛好多地方、又有好多見聞,我不知幾羨慕。

    1. 其實都係一個好好嘅經歴, 不過有少少覺得喱行好狹窄, 大家睇嘅做嘅食嘅10年不變, 同埋好快就會同出面世界脫節! 當然啦, 喱份工嘅good point好多, 問心我做左半年都唔覺自己番緊工 lol 假又多, 真係冇第二份工offer 到12-14日假一個月 ;)

  4. really glad to know that you are blogging again....looking forward to your 'look of the day' ! I have become a big fan of COS ever since I started to follow your blog last year!

    1. thank you for your support!!! i hvn't done look of the day for such a long time, been reli lazy with taking pic and picking outfits hahahaha i'll try :)
